Work Day 39: Developing Envy…

I recently found out that one of my fellow Code Academy graduates is now working with Gosu, too. Someone mentioned that he might call me, looking for info, which I was fine with, of course. Long story short, he contacted me, but to ask where I was with the exams.


Yes, you guessed it. HIS department is already having him do self-study courses for Guidewire and he’s already taken the first exam. So, far from being able to help him, he’s further along than I am. I swallowed all the pride I had and mentioned that perhaps it would make sense to contact another fellow grad who’s working with Gosu and who was a tech lead, so I’m pretty sure he’s probably light years ahead by now.

“Oh sure!” He exclaimed. “He knows EVERYTHING!”

I asked my boss about more training, and he’s planning to send me, just as soon as the department can scare up X number of people for a class. I told him I’d be fine with the self-study route, if they can’t. It was news to him that there was a self-study course, so he said he’d look into it, but most likely he’ll be sending me to a regular Guidewire class next quarter.

I’m trying not to be dismayed over how far behind I feel. I know I really shouldn’t compare. After all, the whole point about making this sharp detour in my professional trajectory was to be happy in my work. So far, my team is very happy with me, too, so…so what if a few people from class are a bit ahead of me? One person was a tech lead, so that was a given that he’d be ahead, and the other guy honestly should just bag our company and go work for NASA–that’s how bright he is.

I still feel envious, though…

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!