Work Day 49: Training and more training…

…or, am I EVER going to figure out all this stuff?

This morning we had another CodeAcademy continuing training session — this time for client-side JavaScript testing. We worked through Mocha and Jasmine examples, with our takeaway being to modify the code to add to the constructor, and experiment with different tests. While I can understand this kind of testing, I’m still struggling with my Java JUnit testing for my user story. I cannot get my JUnit test to work in Eclipse. In looking at it, and comparing to other JUnit tests in our code, I think I’m missing a few things, and oddly, my test isn’t “tracking”—I’m getting an error saying the class isn’t “found.” As it is, though, none of the JUnit tests are working for my setup, so my issues may run a bit deeper than just a few misplaced @Test indicators.

I decided to eat crow and work through a Pluralsight video on JUnit testing. I’m also going to try to make a push to work through more of the Udemy course, as they do cover JUnit testing further along in the course. I even bought a book on JUnit testing (Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java 8 with JUnit by Jeff Langr—God Bless Amazon…). Hopefully with all this and having my mentor help me out (I’m going to need help setting up Spring anyway), I’ll muddle through.

All this setup and testing for a few lines of code change…it’s just unbelievable!

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!

3 thoughts on “Work Day 49: Training and more training…”

  1. Would love to hear more about how you’re using gUnit – and more specifically how you’ve managed to get it to work o_O

    Trying to figure out how to get the tests to run from GWB / Gradle in the same way they run from the Studio o_O

    1. A lot of the GUnit tests I inherited from the existing code, and only had to slightly modify it. I’m sure my luck is going to run out soon, as I do more user stories! For GUnit, we run them from Guidewire Studio. For the upcoming JUnit tests, I’m going to have to come up with them myself, which is why I’m frantically trying to bone up on HOW.

      1. I hope things work well with the book. I’m happy to offer an hour or so of screen time from home next week if you’re getting stuck with anything.

        Jeff /

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