Unraveling, without becoming unraveled…

I seem to be unraveling all my previous dilemmas. That mysterious Gosu code turns out to be block code. That still means nothing to me, but now at least I know where to look in the documentation to learn more. I’m also happy to report that frantically posting my query about the damned nested if statements to the Guidewire Community site paid off. I got two suggestions, and the “.add” to an array solution worked! Why I didn’t remember this from my Java class, I don’t know, as it’s similar logic. Sometimes it’s tough to connect what you’ve learned with the current mess in front of you.

In positively JOYOUS news, that ghastly defect user story that spawned ANOTHER defect user story, has finally passed QA and it in the release queue! I suspected this might happen, as I ran a few furtive SQL queries yesterday to check was I thought might be our QA tester’s payloads to the integrated system, and they all looked good. I swear, I’m so happy I could cry…sometimes I really feel like the life of a developer is a series of roller coaster rides—devastating lows followed by meteoric highs. It’s exhausting, but I’ll still take this over being a BA any day.

The new guy got his Java quandary sorted out. He needed version 121 for our Guidewire Studio, but tech support had installed a higher version. He’s now wading through my instructions on how to copy over a database to his local machine, while also trying to figure out his on-boarding HR tasks (signing up for benefits, taking various online courses in our ethics and sensitivity training, etc.). He’s also starting his moving process this weekend, to eventually end up at our southern hub. I can’t imagine attempting to pack and move while learning the ins and outs of a new job, but he appears to be managing it. Seeing as no one is actually physically working at any of our offices at this point, it’s going to remain to be seen when he can actually darken the door of the place. I hear it’s very nice…when you can actually go inside…

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!