Work Day 31: That thing from WAY back there…

Today was one of those days where I spend AGES trying to figure out where I went wrong with a GUnit test—this was the infamous “All Items” test. For some oddball reason, although the specific GUnit test I’m fixing was fine, the entire shebang had errors up the ying-yang. Basically, out of over 1000+ tests, only about 30 tests passed! I tried backing out my tech debt story code and reran the entire thing, and AGAIN, I had multiple errors.

Then I remembered. Back when we were setting up Guidewire, the Alum had me comment out some code in the build.gradle file after I’d brought in the November branch, before I fired up Guidewire (the code is apply plugin: ‘com.guidewire.cust-dist-deprecated-tasks’). Once I’d done that, I had to uncomment the code before firing up the server.

I realized that I had checked out a new branch (December) for this story. On a whim, I closed out of everything, commented out the plugin code, fired up Guidewire, and then uncommented it again before running the “All Items” test. Sure enough, that seems to have done the trick! The test without my code ran fine, albeit with 50 errors this time around (people have added tests since November). I need to now bring my code back in and run everything again, but I think I’m going to shut everything down and start anew like last time, to make sure.

As it is, I think I may need to adjust the code. For one of the jobs there have been many updates since June, and I think at least one block of the fix is a repeat of something that was added in later. I may try to run it first and then if I get errors, I’ll attempt to fix what I think is off.

Tomorrow is another Continuing Ed session with our Instructor. I’m attempting to cram in the reading from last week, review what we did, and review the info for tomorrow. Miraculously, he’s going to be going over some Java code. I’m not sure what little elf whispered in his ear to arrange this, but I’ll take it.

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!