Work Day 50: Seeing light at the end of the tunnel…

…that we really hope isn’t the on-coming train!

I’m making slow, but steady progress on my JUnit issue…if you count “finally finding the right people to consult” as progress. My poor, long-suffering mentor is inundated with work for the upcoming release, so he’s tossed the ball back into my team’s court (you know it’s bad when I’m resorting to sports analogies). One of my team members figured out part of my issue. I definitely had no access to get a Nexus Repo Key for that Maven step for setting up Spring Batch. The good news is that I put in a tech support request, and I got access to get one—miraculously in one day! At that point, I was totally fried, so I’m going to attempt to do this tomorrow.

This brings me to the bad news. The other person on my team who’s helping me…he’s in India. Yours Truly is going to get into work at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning to be ready to talk to him at 8:00 am. As much as I’m very grateful to him, this is going to cut into my morning yarn time! In addition to my sock-knitting, I’m also crocheting the Sophie’s Universe Afghan, which requires early morning quiet time, in order for me to concentrate. It’s one of those maddening patterns where, even though I’ve had oodles of years in crocheting experience, I’m still frogging back practically every row, due to being hopelessly off in stitch count. I’m only a few rows in, so far!

Work Day 35 (and 36): Snowed in!

I apologize for my long absence, but we’ve been innundated with what Channel 3 is calling STORM ABEL. I’ll leave it up to your imagination to visualize the crazy weather graphics and the general hysteria of the weather people who are essentially in their element this time of year. The only thing more existing for them is hurricane season or the occasional tornado we get once in a blue moon. Instead of blogging, I’ve been spending my non-work time shoveling snow and bringing in firewood. Okay, there may have been some knitting, too…

My user story is proving to be a bit trickier than I thought. Once again, the easiest part was the CODE. Figuring out where to put the code has been a bit more difficult. This is essentially an XML script that I’m going to need to put somewhere to be picked up. For this, I had to pick an id number for the role entry that appears NOWHERE else, in any environment—production or lower (thank heaven for SQL). To test, I had to upload the XML file into my local machine—Thankfully, my mentor helped me to figure out how to do this. I was skeptical about uploading some random file into the application, but it worked! The new role was created correctly in the application and I was able to assign it to a user. Now I have to figure out how to get it into GitHub for the next step in the process. According to my mentor, this is another one of those crazy instances where I’m going to have to just directly upload the file into the script repository under the release folder, albeit as a branch.

In non-programming news, I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family. I also made my surreptitious trip to my local yarn store to get DPN size 10 needles to work on my sweater. Due to a shocking episode of naked peer pressure, I walked out of there with 11 skeins of Universal Yarn Uptown Worsted and the pattern book to make the “Sophie’s Universe” crocheted afghan. The owner of the LYS had a beautiful floor sample out and I just lost my mind…along with a complete stranger in the store and one of my best friends, who actually DROVE to the yarn store, just to see that I got the yarn and pattern book. I believe I mumbled something about perhaps making it for someone as a present, when my friend said, “NO! You need to KEEP this one!”

Oh, yes, I also managed to finish my sheep sweater!

Work Day 33: Git-in’ Trouble…again

I swear, the most difficult part about being a developer is not so much the coding, but all the other stuff. Today, I managed to merge the tech story changes correctly and iron out the discrepancies by doing a side-by-side comparison of the code as it is now vs. how it was back when my coworker did the original patch. I managed to put his code in the right areas. I then did a boatload of before and after testing to make sure it worked. Fun fact: our February branch has 50 errors when you run all the GUnit tests. Of course, some of this may be due to a lack of data for certain lines of business. Thankfully, none of these apply to my changes.

I managed to checkout the branch and push my changes to GitHub. However, THIS time, three weird updates that had NOTHING to do with my updates went along for the ride! I’m not sure WHERE these came from. They appear to be other people’s changes. I’m not sure if these were already part of the branch or what the story is. No pun intended…

On a more positive note, my new sweater is coming along. However, I may need to make a LYS run tomorrow or the next day. I’m almost done with the body and will need #10 DPNs for the sleeves.

Work Day 24: I think I can…I think I can…

Well, Friday I managed to complete what I can for unit testing with the local machine data I have. The good news is that I had data for two lines of business that are very different, so it was a good test. Now I just have to figure out if I need to do a GUnit test for this, too, and when I’ll need to have a code review done. I’m going to have to wait for the January branch to open up before I add my changes officially. I swear, trying to figure out all this procedural stuff is WAY more complicated than the actual change was! My mentor is going to be back Monday, so I can bend his ear then. I’ve been looking at the backlog again, and I think I’ve pinpointed another story that’s similar to this one that I might be able to pull off…

Also, our continuing ed sessions with our instructor begin in earnest on Wednesday. I’m going to have to go over the repo we’ll be using.

It’s a beautiful thing…I don’t dread Mondays anymore!

On a crafting note, in addition to the new sweater project, I’ve lost my mind and joined the Annie’s Attic “Striped Crochet Afghan Club.” You receive enough yarn and a pattern each month to crochet three stripes of an afghan. At the end of the year, you end up with the final product. I’m thinking this will make a nice present for someone. It’s not taking me terribly long to do these…I’m tempted to search my stash for some spare yarn, so that I can have two of these projects going simultaneously.

Of course, I might want to see how much homework I’ll be getting on Wednesday before I decide anything…

Day 40: Frenemies…

More work on the capstone project today. I’ve just about got everything done except for all the validations. I got burned by my old friend “Is it a value? Is is a number? Is it a string???” (I really need to work this out before the final assessment…) I also was paid a visit by my best friend “Scope”. This is not the same thing as a waterfall project “scope-creep,” but rather the “I have no bloody idea where to put the damned variable” scope. Oh, I also met up with my new bestie “we need to use the CORRECT API” as opposed to the one that returns the entire damned data file.

With friends like these, One really doesn’t need enemies…

On a more cheerful note, I came home a restful evening with a woolier scope…I’m happy to report I’m at the shoulders and hope to get the neck done this weekend.

Day 37: Hip to be Square on a Carousel!

Our first task for our capstone, now that we’ve figured out some data, is to come up with storyboards for our site. We will pause here to say that, although I’m a whiz at geometric doodling, my general artistic skills leave MUCH to be desired. I managed to come up with basic illustrations for my supporting pages, but for my main page I just hauled off and created a preliminary index page using the Bootstrap Carousel template. I’m going to find my best knitting and crocheting pictures to put in the carousel, and I’m going to use the sections below to explain the site and square drive. I’ve never attempted the carousel before, so that’s going to be my “cool new feature,” I figure (bonus points), unless I can figure out something else.

If we had oodles of time, I’d attempt to do popups for different basic square patterns that someone could print out, but I don’t see me doing that by September 4, when the site is due.

Day 36: Making a List and Checking it Twice…

We are embarking on the big capstone project this week! I’ve finally decided on my theme. For my site, I’m going to have a fictitious charity knitting and crocheting drive to knit squares to make afghans for local organizations: a senior center, a homeless shelter, an animal shelter, and a daycare center. Those will be my four “leagues.” I will have two knitting and two crocheting teams per league, with five members on each team—although, come to think of it, I shouldn’t limit it to five if I want people to produce enough squares for an afghan in a timely manner. I’ll have to figure out certain logistics of my drive…for instance, who’s going to sew all the squares together??? Also, I’ll probably have to have certain guidelines, such as square size, type of yarn used, leaving tails to aid in sewing the squares together, etc. I’ll also have to determine who is able to access my site to enter teams and members.

The entertaining part has been in coming up with the fake member names, phone numbers, and email addresses. As much as I’d love to make it easy and use my real knitting and crocheting friends’ information, that would be a terrible idea. I’m trying to use innocuous names like “Smith,” “Jones,” etc. Also, I’m trying to keep the phone numbers to “555” numbers. Honestly, I’m beginning to run out. I may have to start throwing in some weird names for entertainment.

I’ve already got some funny team names. So far, I have:

  • Knitting Chicks with Sticks
  • Crocheting Happy Hookers
  • Knitting Fools
  • Crocheting Yarns

I may need to rethink one or two of these, as Chicks with Sticks and The Happy Hooker are indeed knitting and crocheting books, respectively. Also, Knitting Fool is a web app sweater pattern generator. I know this is a fictitious class site, but I’d just as soon not be SUED.

I’ve also been scouring my pictures to come up with some good illustrations for the site. For once, I don’t think I’m going to be at a loss for photo material!

Day 33: Pondering Capstone Project Scenarios

I’m happy to report I’ve managed to at last get my “Friday” project to a good place, where I’m not tempted to hide it under a rock in shame. Everything is correctly functioning, and I even managed to make the UI look nice. One of my classmates helped me out with using Font Awesome icons to make my edit, view, and unregister links look sharp. Another helped me a few days ago with the “Select One” option for the dropdown, so that looks good.

I’m still pondering what to do for the capstone and the “team” concept. I had an insane idea of making my fictitious crafting teams compete to see who could knit and/or crochet the most squares for Warm Up America, with the winners getting a $100 gift certificate to Webs. However, if this were a real online contest, I can see a few pitfalls:

1. For one thing, I’d need to limit the number of team members, so that I wouldn’t end up with 100 people on the winning team getting $100 apiece (“Um, Sweetums, about that retirement fund…). I could perhaps have the winners as a group getting a $500 gift certificate—though I can just see the ensuing cat fight in the yarn store now. I know, I know…before I start getting hate mail, I’m fully aware that there are male knitters and crocheters! Perhaps I could limit the groups to five people, with the winners each getting $100 apiece.

2. Another issue—how does anyone PROVE how many squares they really produced? The only way to really prove it would be if the teams sent the squares to me, which would be its own logistical nightmare—I’d have to mail all the squares to Warm Up America MYSELF ($$$). Also, people in the home environment probably wouldn’t take too kindly to an entire room being filled to the rafters with tiny 7” x 9” squares (yes, I’m aware this would technically make them rectangles). Perhaps I could have people post a picture of themselves with all their squares before they mail them to Warm Up America. Surely no one could fake piles of squares. I mean, even I—the ultimate crazy yarn woman—don’t have 100 squares lying around to pile up and fake for a picture…However, one can never underestimate the sheer prowess of the truly delusional among us.

I do have time to suss this out before next week.

(I’m sorry Randy and Gary! I know you’d never stage a cat fight in a yarn store! However, I can see one of you convincing the other team members that Webs was no longer in existence… 😈)

Day 25: Got the project done!

I woke up in the morning with a migraine from hell, including nausea and hurling. I had to down a bunch of Advil and caffeine, and just lie down quietly until it was time to get to class.

Despite this, I’m happy to report that I was able to complete Friday’s project! I even managed a few of the extra-credit things, too. I’m going to hold off on sending the “I’m done” email to the instructor until I have a chance to look it over once more. This time I didn’t put any “extra” invalidated pages in GitHub that I was going to get to later.

I really do need to remember, when I’m struggling and wailing and gnashing teeth all week, that it all pays off on Friday when I’m able to complete the project with everything I’ve learned over the week. I showed my resultant site to my loved ones, who were all impressed!

Now onto some fun and games!

Day 22: Lost in the DOM…

Day 22: Lost in the DOM…

This was just one of those days. It began well enough…I was understanding everything, and the first exercises went well. Then the **** hit the fan. I do realize that a huge part of what we do concerns interacting with the browser and the DOM; but I swear, at times I really miss our beginning labs, when all we did was code and run in the Code Runner console. The worst dread on earth is when you try to run your code, NOTHING HAPPENS, and then you have to hit F12 in the browser. Whenever I see that dreadful flaming red type, flashing angry error messages across the console, I always want to scream at the top of my lungs, “Dear God, WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS???” Then I remember that I’m old enough have parented the vast majority of my fellow students, and that it would probably be undignified to cry and throw things.

Today, I spent a good part of the afternoon with the bloody F12 console. We’re doing some god-awful routine where we have to take a substr of similar <img> ids (image1, image2, image3) to get the numbers on the ends (1, 2, 3). Then we have to concatenate the “para” part of the paragraph <p> ids (para1, para2, para3) to these like some nightmare from Frankenstein, and — I’m not making this up — take the alt attributes of the img tags and shove that alt text into the <p> html.

I think it was after the 12th time I tried to make this work that I decided I really needed to knit…

I know…all the ghastly code is going to be waiting for me in the morning. On the other hand, I got a mental health break, and my little intarsia sheep are really coming along!