Day 41: Swimming in Quizzing…

More work on the capstone project today. I think I’m just about done. I do seem to have some instances where I have member and team ids in the interface that I need to take care of.

The good news is that I got a “patterns” page up and running! Granted, the knitting and crocheting patterns are for really simple squares that my cat Jack could probably pull off if he had opposable thumbs, but that’s neither here nor there. I put the patterns in Bootstrap cards, as that seems to be the best way to keep a nice-looking format for the patterns if you look at them on a smaller screen. Tomorrow I’m going to double and triple-check the validation and all the other miscellaneous things we have to make sure aren’t wrong. I’m also going to beat the crap out of the entire app, checking the console, to make sure nothing is broken. As it was, I had to go back in today and fix a validation that wasn’t working.

I’m much more nervous about the assessment, which we’re taking tomorrow afternoon. I’ve been going over past assessments and my notes, and I swear everything is running together at this point. I’m trying to quiz myself, but there’s a lot here I need to go over. I might be better off getting a good night’s sleep and start looking at this stuff fresh tomorrow morning.

Perhaps I could get Jack to take the test for me. He does enjoy being helpful, as you can see…

Day 38: Testing Anxiety…

…or, whatever happened to the overly-confident nerd of 1982???

So far, I’m doing well with the capstone. I’ve managed to produce the first few pages for my site. I’m pondering possibly dynamically creating the team add page as a static html page, as I already am creating the team edit page dynamically. I found some nice pictures to use, and I managed to get the carousel working. I also managed to use ES6 for my dynamic dropdown on the index page, and it worked! There is a whole laundry list of things we have to do, check, and double-check. I’ve been validating code like mad to make sure there are no issues with that, at least.

I’m more concerned with the upcoming final assessment. Once upon a time, I was one of those nerdy kids who relished taking tests, and beating out the rival nerds in the class. Decades later, I find that I have a tougher time with tests than I used to. For some reason, I’ll know something, but when I’m faced with a timed test, I mentally choke up and can’t think of the answer—even doing the practice tests is making me nervous.

Ironically, getting the arrow function question wrong on the practice test was what prompted me to figure out how to use ES6 for my index page…go figure.