Fun with JUnits

…or, why I’m pretty sure I’m grayer than I used to be…if I wasn’t in fact hiding my gray. 😈

The good news is that I’ve had a crash course in working with Spring Batch and I’m now a veritable expert in operating the debugger. I also now understand (somewhat) where to get the data for the payload by running only a few SQL queries against the test data from the UI and using the resultant payload for our JUnit tests. This is definitely a step up from my attempts to get data last week by running multiple queries and cutting and pasting all the information!

Monday, my coworker spend an hour of his life he’s never getting back showing me all this, while attempting to help me with the payload for my testing. The payload still isn’t exactly what one might call stable. I tested with and without my code change and thankfully that’s not the issue–I would have run screaming into the night if it was.

Sadly, I’m going to have to have him help me further, as I ran all the SQL queries I was supposed to to get my new example, but I’m not ending up with the same file format that our JUnit job requires. I’m not quite sure WHERE my coworker found the information, but I don’t think I quite have it.

The adventure continues…

Work Day 40: The Meaning (or Query) of Life…

I decided I was sick of not knowing what the heck was lurking inside my local machine test data. When I first set up my Guidewire Studio, the Alum had me copy test data from our network drive, and for my three user stories I pretty much hunted and pecked for suitable test claims by making do with the application’s UI search. Don’t get me wrong—the UI search is fine for a claim handler to look up info for a particular claimant. However, it is not designed for a looney developer to spit out every single claim record containing a penalty payment (yes, I’m still looking at that story—there are no official takers for it yet).

I checked the Gosu Reference Guide and found a whole chapter on querying. It was a bit of trial and error, but I managed to use the Gosu “Scratchpad” to churn out every claim record in my test data! I also managed to churn out transaction data, but I ran out of time. Tomorrow I’m going to try to find specific types of transactions. It looks like there is more basic claimant data than actual transactions. At least now I can easily search for the type of data I need. I’ll have to figure out how to save the individual queries. I’m not sure if they’re the same file extension as other Gosu programs or not.

There’s nothing like discovering a new programming language skill to make you feel like Einstein.