Day 60: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…

We’re nearing the finish line for our final project, and for Code Academy as a whole. I’m pretty set on the project, except to test one more time and make sure I’ve done a run-through for the presentation tomorrow. I’m somewhat nervous about the presentation, but we’ve done these before, so it shouldn’t be too much different.

I’m feeling sad…I’ve spent the last three months with a great group of fellow students. I’m going to miss everyone! I know…I’m insane. Some of them will be working in my same office, so it won’t completely be goodbye. Speaking of offices, I’m also going to miss being in the downtown office. Granted, I know from past experience that the long commute is the seventh circle of hell in the winter, but I’m going to miss being in the middle of everything.

On a more entertaining note, I attempted to install ProsgreSQL on my home laptop (to see if I could run my site from home) and it was a fiasco. It asked for the port number, but I think I was supposed to change it to 3000. As a result, despite REINSTALLING it and specifically indicating Port 3000, the app, when opened, is still expecting the default port, and now gives big, ugly errors. I’m going to have to figure this out tomorrow.

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!