We had two major blasts today in class.
One: we got our Friday projects back. The good news is that, by and large, our instructor felt we did well. The bad news is that I completely spaced on putting all my inputs into a <form> element—apparently, I wasn’t the only one, and there were a few other things I missed that needed attention. We all had issues to correct, on which we spent most of the morning working. One issue, a link not working, turned out to be a non-issue. I suspect our instructor had us immediately work on our defects as, in real life, during an Agile Sprint, it would be expected that you would correct mistakes right away. As a BA, I’ve been on the other side of this equation (“What do you mean, you didn’t make the changes YET???”).
Two: we worked with strings today. We used different functions and methods, such as indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), substr, slice, etc. Before you ask, NO…this is NOT as much fun as working with that other type of string (a.k.a. yarn).
This all culminated in an exercise to parse out a full name by prefix (if present), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (if present). After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I DID IT!!! Woohoo!!!
Tomorrow we work on dates…no, not the type you eat…
“This all culminated in an exercise to parse out a full name by prefix (if present), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (if present). After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I DID IT!!! Woohoo!!!”
I have a work situation where I have names that cannot be easily parsed, and I have to discuss that soon with our developers. It affects how we search for names in our new system…..well, you know as a B.A., beware very old legacy data! I could handle the “box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”………..but although our box says “chocolates,” we got meatballs (that sort of look like chocolates), buttons (“Don’t put that button in your mouth, you’ll choke on it!”), eggs (That doesn’t even LOOK like a chocolate!), and a teapot (How did they fit that in the box?). I highly suspect we have a complex conversion ahead.
How does one truly gnash teeth?