Day 61: Showtime!

Today was the day our final projects were due. I managed to do my final GitHub push at a bit past 11:00 a.m. I had to add some SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE options on our SQL code we provided for alternatively loading data via MySQL (vs. PostgreSQL). Also, I had to beef up my README file a bit. Oddly enough, my README files are all the rage with my instructor and with my classmates…

We all did well with our presentations—everyone did a great job with their sites! Yours truly had some technical difficulties, due to not having used Skype in meetings for over three months now. For the life of me, I couldn’t get the damn “Presenting” bar to go away, so that I could switch browser tabs. It was the height of embarrassing, especially when one of my fellow students (who’s probably half my age) had to help me get rid of it. Other than that, demonstrating my site went well. If you’re reading, Mary S., I invoked you as a prospective knitter on my site, to walk through the functionality. I had you register for the site, log in, flake out, needing to change your email on the site, and then you decided to delete your account. I showed off my @ViewChild functionality code used to “Go to Top” without reloading an entire page—I’m probably too ludicrously proud of this, but it’s because I figured it out by researching for myself. I think that is our biggest takeaway from our entire training—learning how to tap every resource we can to figure out an issue.

I feel relieved the presentation is over, but disappointed. This is it for fun coding for the week. From here on in is the transition back to reality…

Day 60: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…

We’re nearing the finish line for our final project, and for Code Academy as a whole. I’m pretty set on the project, except to test one more time and make sure I’ve done a run-through for the presentation tomorrow. I’m somewhat nervous about the presentation, but we’ve done these before, so it shouldn’t be too much different.

I’m feeling sad…I’ve spent the last three months with a great group of fellow students. I’m going to miss everyone! I know…I’m insane. Some of them will be working in my same office, so it won’t completely be goodbye. Speaking of offices, I’m also going to miss being in the downtown office. Granted, I know from past experience that the long commute is the seventh circle of hell in the winter, but I’m going to miss being in the middle of everything.

On a more entertaining note, I attempted to install ProsgreSQL on my home laptop (to see if I could run my site from home) and it was a fiasco. It asked for the port number, but I think I was supposed to change it to 3000. As a result, despite REINSTALLING it and specifically indicating Port 3000, the app, when opened, is still expecting the default port, and now gives big, ugly errors. I’m going to have to figure this out tomorrow.