Work Days 42 & 43: Surely You Mock

I know…I’m combining TWO days in a row. In my defense, one could consider these two days to be a continuation of each other, as I’ve been in Gosu hell since yesterday. Unbeknownst to us, someone–in the interest of anonymity, we’re going to call him Earl–pushed a GUnit test (like JUnit tests, only for Gosu) that uses Easymock 4.0.1 out to the release branch. Fun fact: many of us are still on Easymock 3.1. I found this out the hard way when I needed to do a fix for the role user story, but was dead in the water when I got two compiler errors after creating my branch from the release branch.

Come to find out, this has been an ongoing drama of “Dynasty” proportions since December 5. For my younger readers, that would correspond to “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills-on-steriods” drama, like that chick screaming to the cat in all the memes.

Anyhoo…The initial alarm was raised in home office with–in the interest of anonymity we’ll call this fellow Gungho Carl. Gungho complained back on December 5 that he couldn’t compile. Gungho is actually a kickass developer of uber nerd cred, so if HE can’t compile, there’s something seriously WRONG. From there, for the next several days, there were a flurry of frantic emails back and forth with basically the known Gosu world within my company. The news eventually filtered down to our office in the sticks, and landed with my mentor. He’d only informed a few people about how to fix this (including Earl), as I don’t think he realized how many of us were still on 3.1.

Per his instructions, I updated to Easymock 4.0.1, fired up the server, and…drum roll…

I got 1,018 compiler errors!

As a temporary workaround, because I was really desperate to get my user story changes done and into GitHub, someone (The Alum) had me just modify the other guy’s GUnit test in my local machine to use a parameter in keeping with 3.1 (the test didn’t affect anything I did).

My mentor, who was NOT PLEASED with the workaround, helped me today to get updated with 4.0.1 correctly.

In other news, I was shown how to do Git commands from within Guidewire Studio! I haven’t created a branch from there yet, but I managed to add, commit, and push my changes. Very exciting.

I’m also happy to report that I just checked, and TWO of my user stories are now in the Release Path!

However, as of this writing, I still have MORE work to do on my role story. This is my favorite screw-up category called “Pam needs to learn to read.” I created my role, but apparently someone felt it needed to WORK. Go figure. To be continued tomorrow…