…think I’m slowly getting the hang of it.
Day two of attempting to work with others went much better. Today, we paired up with different people—they’re going to rotate us daily into different groups, cycling through three different combinations (all I could think of was, “If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium”). This time around, we worked together on mutual code reviews. We have been working out different ways to solve things. For example, we sussed out a way to determine if a year is a leap year. We did routines to figure out the minimum and maximum of a group of numbers (this was a trick…rather than if, else if, else we only had to use the Math.min and Math.max functions for that). We did code to determine sales discounts, taxes, etc. We even figured out how to display a greeting based on what time of day it is. This probably all sounds Mickey Mouse to people with any coding experience, but we’re all having fun figuring things out. We haven’t gotten around to writing functions yet, but that should be coming soon.
I even had a bit of breathing room today. I got out a few times during breaks to take walks around the building. I also (GASP) managed to get out this evening for my knitting group! To give you an idea of my level of distraction lately, someone at the knitting group pointed out that I’d COMPLETELY neglected to knit the intarsia sheep onto the back of my sweater! I had to frog it back to the armpits and start over again.
You speak knitting code!