Work Day 16: I DID want something to do…

As I had yesterday off, my day count is now odd…

I had a horrendous dream last night that we had to PAY for our continuing ed with our Code Academy instructor. We had to go on a communal computer to do it, and the mouse turned into a REAL mouse…the tiny squeaky kind with little whiskers. I’m probably dreaming this because our first continuing ed session is tomorrow morning. Sadly, our instructor is not going to cover Java (which half of us need), but he’s promised to cover object-oriented programming principles, which can be applied to our Java self-learning. I’m really hoping it will help, as I’m still somewhat confused about it.

The good news is that I actually did some real work today. Our agile team was flipped a defect. Sometime between the last release and the upcoming one, our system now lets one put in an amount WAY over the amount one should. To preserve confidentiality, I won’t say what or where this is in the system—suffice it to say, it’s a big honking problem. While I didn’t solve the issue (no one has, yet), I did manage to figure out where to look in the code, and how to connect and trace everything back—just the thing I didn’t think I’d ever figure out. I managed to slam up against the java APIs, which are sort of a black box to me (from asking around, I get the impression that they are black boxes to a lot of people). The next thing we’ve been investigating is to see what changed between the two releases. Seeing as SEVERAL different groups have user stories in any given release, and there are several different repos for our systems, this isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Doing the continuing ed tomorrow is probably going to be a walk in the park, in comparison…

Author: WildKnitter

By day I work for a large insurance company. By night and the rest of my life, I share my life with a spouse, a bossy cat, four step-children, and many, many grandchildren. Also, of course, my mad passion is my knitting and crocheting. My latest adventure is something called Coding Bootcamp!